Extreme Sports

Listening, Reading, Speaking, Upper Intermediate, Writing / Sunday, January 14th, 2018

Extreme sports are very fascinating and particularly appealing to teenagers and young people in general. We use the term extreme sports to refer to sports or recreational activities which involve considerable danger because of either high speed or great height or depth. They usually require great physical stamina and special equipment.

People participating in extreme sports are considered to be unconventional and bold, seeking adventure and excitement. Moreover, they are often competitive as they strive to break records and be better and bolder every time.

They are said to be driven by an adrenaline rush which makes them get over their fear and push their limits.


  • Brainstorming: Name as many extreme sports as you can! What seems to be the most exciting one? What seems to be the scariest one?
  • Watch Top Five Facts About Skydiving and answer the following questions:
    • What’s the world record for jumps in 24 hours?
    • What did the Google executive do which hadn’t been done before?
    • How old was the youngest skydiver? How old was the oldest?
    • What special stunt did Lukas Aikin perform and how did he do it?
    • What is Banzai skydiving?
  • Write your names in small pieces of paper and put them in a bag. After everyone has put their name in, each person chooses a piece of paper without looking. He or she then reads the name and tries to guess what kind of extreme sport -from the ones we have brainstormed before- this person would choose and why. Then, we ask this person if he or she agrees. The teacher can be a participant in this activity, too.
  • Write the names of these extreme sports on some other pieces of paper and put them in the bag again. Each person picks one and uses pantomime to help his or her classmates guess what it is.
  • Web Quest: Search the Internet and find information about an extreme sport of your choice to present to the class. Your presentation should include:
    • Name of the sport
    • How it is done.
    • Where you can do it.
    • Special equipment needed.
    • Why does it impress you?
    • How do you imagine you would feel if you did it?