
Advanced, Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing / Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Music is a major part of our lives. It unites people of different ages, cultures and social backgrounds. It is considered a universal language, which removes all barriers. When practiced in groups, it brings people together, creating empathy and cooperation.

It is interrelated with our emotions and it is a haven to resort to, at times of both joy and grief or anxiety. It serves as a way of self-expression at times when words are not adequate.

But what is the role music can play to relieve stress in our everyday lives?

And how does the brain benefit from actually playing a musical instrument?


  • Read the article on The Power of Music to Reduce Stress and answer the following questions:
    • In what way does music have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions?
    • What has research found about the effect of music and music therapy?
    • What do you know about “The Mozart Effect”?
    • Do you find music relaxing? When do you choose to listen to music?
  • Does anyone in the class know how to play an instrument?
    • If so, how do you feel when you play music? Share your experience with the class.
  • Write an essay on the following topic:
    • Not only is music an indispensable part of our lives but also an all-powerful medicine. Do you agree?