Time to Cook!

Grammar, Intermediate, Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing / Saturday, February 10th, 2018

In this lesson we are going to practise giving instructions using imperative sentences. Moreover, we are going to see how these imperative structures can be turned into Passive Voice sentences. What’s more, we are going to learn how to make delicious treats, too.


  • Watch this video of how to make a carrot cake by Nigella Lawson. Nigella is a world-famous British cook whom you can watch and benefit from in many ways. Watching her videos, you can not only learn how to cook mouthwatering dishes but also enjoy her wonderful accent and vocabulary.
    • As you listen, note down the main instructions she gives.
    • If you have trouble with some of the vocabulary used in the video, have a look at this Quizlet set for cooking vocabulary.
    • Share your notes and make a full list of the instructions on the board.
  • Now read this printed version of the recipe. Is there anything you have missed? If so, fill it in.
  • Turn the imperative sentences you have noted down into Passive sentences using using must be + past participle.
  • Write the recipe of a dish you like and post it on the linoit canvas of the class along with a photo of it!

Have fun!