Travelling Abroad

Grammar, Intermediate, Listening, Reading, Speaking, Upper Intermediate, Writing / Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Travelling abroad offers a lot of benefits for a person of every age. When you travel to another part of the world, you learn to adapt to a different culture. You gain knowledge about it and learn to appreciate it. As far as learning a foreign language is concerned, travelling abroad is also the easiest and most enjoyable way to do it.

Moreover, while travelling to a foreign country, you have the opportunity to meet new people from different backgrounds and with different habits. Your interaction with them gives you a whole new perspective on life and can definitely make you get to know yourself better. It also makes you more open and understanding towards others. It helps you realize that yourself and your country is not the center of the world.


  • Watch the video on 10 Reasons Why Travel is the BEST Education and discuss the following questions:
    • What skills can you learn through travel?
    • How do you learn about yourself through travelling?
    • What does “living outside your comfort zone” mean?
    • What does the man giving the example of the “flat tyre” want to show?
  • Which country would you like to visit? (Use wishes for the present/future, e.g. I wish I went to… because I would like to see…)
  • Say what you would do or visit if you went to the country of your choice. (Use second type conditionals, e.g. If I went to…, I would…)
  • Your school is in a student exchange programme and you are definitely going on a trip abroad this year. Some children are going to Italy, some to Spain and others to England. Think about what you will see or do if you go to each country. (Use first type conditionals, e.g. If I go to…, I will/can see/visit…)
  •  Work in pairs to make a list of things to do in each of these countries and present them to the rest of the class.